Beginners Guide: Glossary of Digital Marketing & Tech Terms

Beginners Guide to Digital Marketing & Tech:



bookcase with a banner that reads "seo glossary" and beginners guide to seo blue colored book to its left

Whether you are conducting research, indulging your curiosity, or looking for services regarding SEO or digital marketing, you may come across terminology that you are unfamiliar with. Understanding it may prove difficult as many of these terms or phrases are not typically used in the average person's daily life- unless, of course, you work in the industry. At InSite Digital Solutions, we want you to have a better understanding of what Digital Marketing & Search Engine Optimization is in order to share a mutual understanding of what we do and how it helps your business. Below, we've compiled a list of your typical SEO & other Internet Marketing & Tech terms complete with definitions that are easy to understand to help answer the WHAT’s, WHY’s, and the HOW of the industry.

NOTE: If you see a term that you feel needs more clarification or don't see a word or phrase you were looking for, please comment below so that it can be added to our glossary as this will continue to be updated regularly.

 Constructive criticism will always  be welcome!

*SEO Terms, Phrases, Acronyms & Jargon*




  • You see the term "affiliates" on many websites like Amazon, Google & other large E-Commerce or Service websites. Affiliate Marketing is when you register to become an affiliate for a company or a person and you promote or sell their products and/or services in exchange for a commission

ALGORITHM: (search engine related)

  • The formula that the search engines use in order to accurately rank the top results relating to your search query. Also, it's algorithm helps to locate and remove harmful websites containing things that do not follow their guidelines such as viruses, spam or malware, to protect their online users


  • An Alt Attribute is the text used in HTML coding that gives alternative information to online users when an image (for example) or a specific piece of content cannot be viewed. It is used to describe the content and its purpose or function. If you post a picture of jewelry you make by hand, some alt attributes may be things such as "bracelets, gold and silver, handmade jewelry, cubic zirconia, crystals" etc. whatever will give the user a mental image if the visual image is unavailable
  1. Web Accessibility- this text helps visually impaired users to understand the image displayed on-page using their screen readers
  2. Explaining- When a piece of content doesn't load or is unavailable, the text will be displayed in place of the image file
  3. Indexing: describes the image to web crawlers & bots to help search engines to correctly index them


  • In terms of marketing, analytics is referring to the data collected, deciphered, and shared by an analytic resource tool via most internet-connected devices. Analytics provide your website's traffic-related results. Results include data such as: how long people are staying on your site, which pages are getting the most views, if viewers are clicking on one page or if they're engaged enough to keep clicking on other pages (bounce rate), how they are coming across your website & much, much more. Analytic results determine the effectiveness of your current marketing strategy and can help you adjust your current campaign as long as you can locate the data patterns and understand what it means 

Examples of analytic data:

  • how many clicks you receive to your website 
  • how much traffic to your site came from organic results or an ad you posted 
  • which day of the week you have gotten the most site views 
  • which content has been viewed the most 
  • which web pages are being clicked on most
  • if you received any natural links


  • Typically in blue and underlined, anchor text is the clickable word or words used as a link instead of the domain or URL. It is a good SEO practice to make sure this text relates to the page that it links to. Here is an example of anchor text you would find on a webpage:  “Check out InSite Digital Solutions if you are looking to improve your online presence!" 

API (Application Programming Interface)

  • An API is a set of protocols, routines & functions that are used in the building process of software applications. API's access the data or features and communicate between different parts of the program in order to ease the maintenance and implementation of the software. These can be web-based or operating systems, or even the hardware itself.


  • Application Programming Interface key is a unique identifier/code used to authenticate a user, developer, or program to an API. Usually comprised of what looks like a random combination of letters and numbers that passes to the API itself to determine the authenticity of a user or application for many reasons. For example, an API key is used to prevent malicious use of the API by an unknown program trying to infect the program or an unknown user trying to access it. 


  • Think of an audit as your yearly health check-up with your general practitioner. However, instead of you, your website is being analyzed, page by page, and link by link. An audit is the first step in determining how a website is performing regarding its SEO, organic traffic, and market strategy. The results can provide insights, predict future changes necessary to achieve online business goals, and identify any strengths and weaknesses by showing critical issues, threats, risks, opportunities, etc. The main objective is to help create a business plan and adjust your current marketing strategy to best suit your online users and clients



  • A backlink is when a webpage provides a link to another site. An example would be in the resource section on many sites that provide outside links that take you to a separate website instead of linking within their own domain. 


  • When you see beta testing, it is referring to the sampling or second part (and final part) of testing before the official software release. Beta testers consist of third party users within the intended audience who are unrelated to the projects' developers. The beta testers try out the product and provide insight into the estimated outcome of the real-life exposure while also uncovering any unforeseen issues that need to be addressed before the software is officially released

side by side infographic compares black hat seo versus white hat seo with examples of each kind. Black hat is unethical, quick cheap results, google could ban you from their search engine. White hat seo meant proper quality content, relevant internal/external links, keywords research, etc.


  • This type of SEO refers to the use of unethical strategies and practices that go against Google’s rules and regulations. Be wary of those looking to make a quick buck taking the cheapest route by charging you 50.00 for 20 links, or get really fast results really quickly. If a website, or person in charge of it, is caught wrongfully acquiring backlinks through the use of black hat SEO tactics, it can result in penalties or complete banishment from the search engines altogether. The phrase "you get what you pay for" is applicable in SEO. So just because you can save $100 a month with one SEO company, doesn't mean that you should.
**NOTE: On average, it takes a few months to start seeing results, 
and takes a few more for optimal SEO results, however, 
when done correctly it generates a very good ROI. 
SEO is an investment unlike PPC so allow 3 to 6 months**


  • A bounce rate refers to the percentage of one-page views compared to the total number of views by internet users on your website. Meaning that they didn't click on any other web pages or continue to browse through your site and content after their initial view. You want to aim for a lower bounce rate, which would mean your content is engaging & interactive enough to keep viewers clicking through the pages to look at your other content provided.


  • Also referred to as a “dead link”, a broken link is a link or web page that no longer works and cannot be accessed by an online user. This could be the result of a variety of issues. We’ve all seen those error pages that say "Error: 404 PAGE NOT FOUND blah blah blah", right? AKA example of a broken link.


  • Any spelling errors in the link itself
  • Incorrect URL posted by website's owner
  • Firewall keeping outside visitors out
  • Link removed from the destination page (aka landing page)


  • A browser is computer software used in order to acquire information on the World Wide Web. Examples of browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. When you make a request in a browser, you’re instructing it to retrieve relative resources and information related to your query. Then the browser will present that information to you on your media device



  • I always used to wonder what it was I was actually doing when deleting the "cache" off of my phone and computer... Cache, in terms of a browser, refers to the storage area that temporarily saves instructions and frequently used data so that any future requests for that data can be accessed easily


  • shorten data access times
  • reducing wait times
  • improves application performance
  • enhances input and output


  •  A Call to Action is a marketing strategy used to gain traffic & generate leads and sales by online users. A Call to Action prompts a user with either persuasive text or buttons that cause the user to take immediate action by clicking on the button or BUYING NOW like the text said.. (in laymen terms, a CTA is the closer of a deal)


  • Think of a campaign just like you would when you think of a political campaign- however, a marketing campaign consists of the methods and techniques that are planned and executed in order to promote and/or sell products and services. Examples include sending emails, making cold calls, using social media, etc.


  • A canonical tag is a partial fragment of HTML coding that specifies the primary version, or the original main context page. This is used in deciphering a duplicate, near-duplicate, or similar page. Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft all came together and created them to give website owners an option to quickly solve duplicate content issues


  • Cloaking is a great example of a black hat SEO tactic. Cloaking is a technique used to obtain a higher search engine rank for certain keywords or phrases. Once the website is created, specific keywords are added to the pages in a way that delivers different results to a search engine's spider bots, (see CRAWLER definition) while online users who visit that website are seeing completely different and unrelated content


  • In SEO terms, you'll see the word “content” tossed around quite a bit. Content refers to any and all information that lives on the web and can be read, seen, viewed, or absorbed on the web. One of the main parts of SEO is to generate new and updated content on a consistent basis to obtain a higher spot on the SERP's. As a user, it’s what I like to call the noun of the internet- the person, place or thing that you are searching layman's terms: the main substance of the user's interest or query


  • A cookie is a small piece of data generated by a website that is saved by the web browser that you are viewing the website. The goal of a cookie is to remember information about you, such as your username and/or password upon revisiting a website. They also save your There are two kinds of cookies: session cookies and persistent

Session Cookies vs Persistent Cookies

Session cookies are temporary and will be closed when you shut down your browser and contain temporary information such as items you placed in your shopping cart.
Persistent cookies store information for longer periods of time and have an expiration date on them which may be a few days or a few years. These store data longer so that you can stay logged into your account for a 2 week period, for example.

Other common misconceptions or interesting information about cookies

  1. You may gain a little extra security by opting out of or disallowing the cookies
  2. They are needed for some websites to function properly
  3. Cookies are browser-specific, so if you change browsers, new cookies will generate
  4. Cookies can always be deleted whenever you'd like or select the option in your browser settings to delete automatically every time you close your browser
  5. Cookies cannot read, scan, or retrieve personal information on your computer since it is just a .txt file.


  • Copywriting is a creative type of writing. A copywriter will produce and provide fresh, creative, and quality written content for advertising, promoting, and marketing purposes. Copywriting includes creative text such as ad jingles, taglines, or research-based copy. 


  • Content Management System- CMS is a software application allowing you to collect, manage & maintain digital content in one place. It is used mainly for managing any type of content creation and modification within a website plus helps you keep all your campaign contacts and information together. If you are regularly adding content to your website then having a CMS in place is important. 

CPC: (cost per click)

  • The actual dollar amount of money that you are charged when an online user clicks on your paid advertisements

CRAWLER: (spider OR crawler bot, web scraping)

  • A program or Internet bot used by search engines to analyze content, “crawl” all internal and external links, and scan the website's data from beginning to end. Its purpose is to generate entries for a search engine index and provide the best current, relevant search results for the users to browse through

diagram showing a how a crawler bot works. First goes through content on every page of the website, that info is stored in Google's database, goes through algorithm and then to your target audience.

CRM: (customer relationship management)

  • CRM is a data analysis software (technology solution) that allows you to gain, maintain, and manage all interactions and relationships with new, current, and potential customers. By using the customer's history, retrieving sales leads, and delivering pertinent data, it provides a solution with one goal in mind: to continue to improve and expand the company's business relationships while maintaining retention of their customer base and increasing profits 


  • Cascading Style Sheets- CSS is a sheet style language written within the web page's markup language that is used to describe how a document or web page is presented- this includes the page's fonts, colors, and layout or anything that portrays the visual aspects of the page

CTR: (click-through rate)

  • the click-through rate is a ratio used by many PPC advertisers and Google Adwords to determine how many times your ads are clicked on by users who have viewed the ad. Basically, the number of online users who have viewed your advertisement (a.k.a impressions) that are actually clicking on it. High CTR is crucial for your PPC campaigns and directly affects your quality score as it generates more business, sales, leads, etc. HOWEVER, if you have a high CTR due to irrelevant keywords within your line of business, it can have a negative impact since you are paying for every click, and spending your money on clicks that aren't bringing in any additional business.

How to calculate your CTR:

(Total clicks on an ad) / (Total impressions [views] of an ad) = Click-Through Rate



  • De-indexing happens when a website, web page or some sort of content is taken down or removed from the search engines index completely (i.e. Google’s database). Once removed AKA "de-indexed" by a search engine, it does not show up in the search engine results for any search phrases or even with the specified URL 

Some examples of why a site may be de-indexed:

  • hidden links
  • spam
  • phishing
  • malware
  • viruses
  • cloaking
these involve many black hat SEO tactics that strictly goes against Google's rules and regulations, and other search engines like DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo...


  • A do-follow link is when another website/domain (business, blog, organization, etc) places a link to your website on one of their web pages. Do-follow links allow crawler bots to crawl through to reach your site in order to pass along Pagerank and credit. These links get value from the search engine as it provides both sites with link juice plus a (relevant and/or quality, let's hope) backlink or external link. If a webmaster is linking back to you with this link, it means that both Search Engines and Humans will be able to follow 


Developed by Moz and also known as Domain Rating (DR)

  • D.A. is a measurement or “score” of a website’s valuable & relevant links while also showing how likely it is to rank on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). It is calculated by many factors, however, the quality and quantity of links seem to be at the forefront. The domain authority ranking is on a 0 to 100 scale, and this metric provides a more accurate estimation of the website's ability to get organic search traffic from Google. A higher score renders a higher trust value and can help you rank higher if linking to or from their site 


  • Deep linking is the use of a specific hyperlink that links to a certain piece of web content on a website, rather than the website's home page or main page


  • The term within the SEO world that applies to any content that is copied or duplicated on more than one web page within the website itself.


infographic of the different e-commerce types with definitions and examples E-COMMERCE: (e-comm AKA electronic commerce)

  • Buying/Selling products or online services electronically through the Internet through online stores & shopping carts

EXTERNAL LINK: (outbound link)

  • External Links are hyperlinks on your website that point to any other domain other than the current one that the link exists on. For instance, another website that links to your site would be an external link for that website, OR if you put a link on your website that links to another domain, then that is considered an external link for that website



  • Hypertext Markup Language- This refers to the written coding language used to create a web page's general layout. 


  • A hyperlink is a clickable link that takes you from your current domain to another domain via references called anchor texts (above in glossary).



  • This is the process of adding web pages into Google’s giant search engine database. This is where web crawling comes into play, once the search engine has deployed it's crawler bots that have crawled through the site, it will be able to index it into the database. Think of the website as a book and the database as a library. In order to show up in the search results (library), you have to have your page crawled for content and relevancy before it can become indexed (checked into) into the library


  • A device, program, piece of software, etc. that allows a user to interact with a computer. The interface is everything from the mouse and keyboard to the operating system inside the computer to the display on the screen. Having a user-friendly interface is ideal for many reasons, not just for marketing purposes.


  • Internal links are links used mainly for navigation purposes within a website, linking from one page of a website to another page on the same site. Not only are they used to help users locate similar content and articles but also help in increasing page views and internal page rank, reducing bounce rate, and improving indexing and crawled pages.


  • Internet Protocol Address. A numerical identifier for every machine using the internet. An example of an IP address is 111.22.365.896. This number serves two purposes- 
1. host or network interface identification 
2. location addressing all the way from the time zone, country, state down to the city, region.



  • Javascript is used with HTML as the scripting/coding language. It contains event handling, CSS animation, collection of widgets, visual effects, themes, etc.


  • In the context of SEO, a keyword is a particular word or phrase describing the contents of a web page and form part of a web page's metadata. Keywords help search engines match a website or one of its pages with a relevant search query. In other words, they are used when performing a search to help users and search engines alike  to describe what type of content they are seeking to provide top results using the search engines algorithm 


  • According to - In digital marketing, a landing page is a standalone web page, created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. ... Unlike web pages, which typically have many goals and encourage exploration, landing pages are designed with a single focus or goal


    inforgraphic showing how the search for "when are granny smith applies in season?" and how it uses the other words in the search to determine the different bw the fruit or the brand apple
  • LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing. This is an equation/formula that search engines use to provide accurate search results by predicting patterns in which similar words and phrases are used to better understand the context. For instance, if you put the word “computer” into your search, you may see laptops appear on your result pages. It also helps to understand the difference between an apple you eat and Apple the brand based upon the other words used in the search. (i.e- when searching “apple” online, LSI determines whether to provide information on either the fruit or on the brand based upon other words used in your search such as “calories” and "nutrition" OR “computers” and "iOS")


  • Link Building is the process of getting other websites to link back (placing a link on their website that goes right to your website, or one of its pages) to your website, and vice versa. In some cases, you can exchange links. The higher the quality of the links you have, the better your quality and trust become, and the higher your Domain Authority score will become. It has been said that this is one of the most important parts of SEO but it’s also one of the hardest parts according to many SEO's and other marketing consultants.. and as I carried a "Back Linker" job title previously, I can completely agree with that statement!

showing how a link farm works and links to all different links


  • A link farm is a questionable tactic in SEO where a website is created with the sole purpose being to get backlinks for your website or exchanging reciprocal links to try and increase search engine optimization. In laymen's terms, it refer to a website that has been created just to add links to it in order to gain backlinks for a website. A link farm will typically have a bunch of random links for all sorts of companies/sites/content, that are not directly related to a certain topic or have any content or purpose outside of linking. Used for sites or black hat SEOs looking to gain a quantity of links, not quality. This can hurt your SEO and ranking because it would not be considered a quality link or contain relevancy to the content of a website



infographic of metadata examples from different types of data, such as image data- it's metadata would be it's timestamp/ file name/ settings/ geolocation/ date taken etc.
  • Metadata is basically data that describes other data. It provides content-related information about a certain piece of data. For example, when you take a picture, some information like the date, time, location, and other info is already saved once it’s taken. Another example would be a Microsoft Word text document in which its metadata contains information about how long the document is, the name of the author, what date the document was written, and a short summary describing the content of the document. Metadata is often in the form of meta tags (See below)


  • Meta tags are pieces of HTML source code that don't appear on the actual page, but it is in the coding to help describe the content on your site to the search engines and their crawler bots that use it to index your content appropriately


  • A natural link is a link that you have obtained outside of your link building strategy where no contact was made to that site to obtain the backlink. You can acquire natural links by having things such as high-quality content and valuable information that another website deems beneficial and relevant enough to their business/cause/website to add a link on their website/page of their own free will. Natural links are great for SEO and means you are gaining your online presence naturally


  • A no-follow link is typically an external link that a website does not want to pass authority ("support" or "endorse") to, then by using a snippet of HTML relation code, (rel="nofollow") Google does not transfer rank across these links. You don't receive credit for these links and the site crawlers cannot crawl through them. This doesn’t help in terms of it showing up in the search engine or giving credit to a site as a backlink, but there is still value within a no-follow link


  • Also called off-site SEO that pertains to any efforts or strategies used outside of a website itself to improve its search rank. An example of this would be this blog. It was not done on or thru the website, it was created using Blogger- another resourceful website

short infographic with examples of off-page SEO like making content, guest blogging, infographic creation, Q and A etc.


  • AKA On-site SEO. This is referring to all measures taken directly within the website itself in order to improve SEO. Creating new and fresh content for your target audience, increasing page loading speeds, keyword optimization, and other examples are listed in the infographic below
infographic examples of on-page SEO such as keyword optimization, titles on pages, links, page loading speed etc.


  • Organic traffic refers to all visits to your website directly from search engine search results and not by a paid ad or other means like social media or directly typing in the name of the website's business or organization. This is the type of traffic you want when it comes to SEO as it is the most valuable to search engines.


  • PageRank is a search engine algorithm, invented by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, that provide a ranking/measurement system for websites to determine the site’s authority, importance, and trust as well as its quality and quantity of links. By using this algorithm and ranking the pages, it provides the user with more accurate results on the SERPs


  • Stands for Pay-Per-Click and is a form of paid advertisement & marketing where advertisers pay ad agencies to place their ad on relevant searches or sites, but whenever a potential prospect clicks on their online ad, it costs them a $ amount. This is how you obtain paid traffic which is quick but not as valuable to search engines as organic traffic




  • In the English language, it means a question or an inquiry. In SEO, it is similar in that it is a request for information, answers, or data from the search engine's database. In laymen's terms, your query is what you type into the search engine bar



  • Rank Brain is Google's name for it's artificial intelligence (A.I.) algorithm aka machine learning system that ranks and processes it's search results and best understands the search queries that it's users type in each day. It helps to process the unanswered, unfamiliar and unique queries that it gets. 
15 percent of searches we see every day are new.. Believe it or not, I have recently asked Google about 5 queries in the past month which it could not locate a web page that would help me get the info i was seeking


  • A re-direct is when you click on a link or type in a specific web address into a browser and you are brought to a different URL other than the one you originally requested. There are a few different types of re-directs listed below with explanations to help you understand each type. 
  • 301: permanently moved. this re-direct to search engines when a URL has moved over to another URL. For SEO purposes, link juice is still passed through 301 re-directs
  • 302: moved temporarily/found re-direct. This re-direct comes from the server-side taking a user from URL#1 and re-directing them to URL#2 showing users the temporary URL being used or to help a mobile website re-direct to the desktop website version
  • 307:  temporary re-direct. server-side re-direct equivalent to the 302 but should be used when content is moved temporarily to another URL
  • 308: permanent re-direct- does not pass any page authority and is a permanent version of the 307 re-direct
  • 404: Error- website not found. This is exactly what it sounds like. A missing URL or domain name that has not been published or purchased or could have been a user typing error


  • (Return on Investment) Pretty self-explanatory, but let's throw in some other info. For starters, ROI consists of what you have already invested in a marketing agency and the profitability of that investment. This is why you cannot guarantee SEO. If you are doing a Pay Per Click Campaign then the ROI is an easier calculation, if you end up with more money than spent, then you clearly have a positive ROI. It is more difficult to calculate with SEO as SEO ROI involves targeting traffic organically on the result pages (organically, meaning through the community, word of mouth, purchases, subscriptions, other sign-ups, etc)


infographic with a snippet of a google search showing different between SEM and SEO, SEM uses paid ads where SEO leans towards organic traffic not paid ads for Pagerank
  • Search Engine Marketing- similar to SEO as it is used as an umbrella term. However, SEM utilizes PPC techniques and pays for links and advertisements where SEO is all about free & organic traffic.
**Statistically speaking- Most people do not click on the advertisements in the search results, most users go immediately to the organic results


  • SEO- Search Engine Optimization is what it is known as. The best way to explain it is that we are, in a sense, trying to beat the algorithm for Google and other search engines so that the website (client site or your site) is on the right side of the equal sign (literally and figuratively). SEO is accomplished by executing multiple methods like doing continuous updates, keep on researching, staying updated with the algorithm changes, and using resources.... with the main goal of SEO being to help the website obtain a higher PageRank. Or, closest to the top of your search engine result page (SERP), as almost every online user chooses results on the first page. When is the last time you went out to the 3rd or 4th result page?


  • Search Engine Result Page. A SERP is a page of results that come up after you’ve entered your query into the search engine. Basically, exactly what it stands for and how you gain your answers and information from a search engine


  • Social Media Marketing- a form of internet marketing that uses social media platforms and networking websites as a marketing tool to promote a brand or a particular company


  • stands for Solid State Drive (as opposed to a hard drive HDD) It is a storage device typically using flash-based memory which helps to increase the speed of the device as it can read and write data much faster using the integrated circuit assemblies than with a typical hard drive.


  • SSL- Secure Sockets Layer (often seen as SSL Certificates) is a standard security technology for creating a link between a server and a client that is encrypted. So a website and a browser or a mail server and a mail client. All browsers have the chance to use secured web servers via SSL protocol


  • a subdomain is just an extension of the main domain, in other words, it is a smaller part of a larger domain in the DNS (Domain Name System) hierarchy. For example: if you visit the domain, an example of a subdomain would be something like,, or


  • Your target audience consists of everyone who is searching online for products you make or carry, the services you provide or seeking the information that you provide, etc. SEO aims to reach your target audience and bring these users to your site to generate traffic


  • A thumbnail is a smaller reduced-sized version of picture or image content to help recognize and/or organize it within the current file on the device it is being stored on. They are used as an option within a file manager as opposed to using a list, content or details
    snippet of a layout selection in a file manager with options like icons, tiles, list, content etc
    A snippet of  the layout selection in a file manager

UI: (user interface)

  • Typically, UI and UX (see below) are commonly paired together however, a user interface is a users interaction between computers, software, devices, etc. and is more design-based as to how it suits the users who use it


  • Uniform Resource Locator- an identifier or specified address to locate a resource or specific piece of content on the internet

UX: (user experience)

  • User experience is exactly what it sounds like. It is a persons attitude and emotions about a particular system, product, software, service, etc. It provides practical, experimental, valuable and significant elements of the relationship and communication between a user and computer


  • Virtual Private Network. A VPN extends a private network over a public network that enables a user to send/receive data across a public network but in a private setting. A VPN can make your internet connection more secure by hiding your current IP address and giving you a temporary once in it's place. All of your websites, emails, and other online activities remain confidential to anyone on the outside trying to look in.
You do not need to switch internet providers though, in order to get a VPN, you can actually purchase the software online. recommends and has reviewed the following as suggestions:


  • Just the opposite of Black Hat SEO, white hat SEO refers to compliant and approved tactics that are used to improve a website's SEO. No rules are broken to gain higher ranks on SERPs and only quality links with honest tactics that fall under Google’s guidelines
comparison graph showing the difference between black and white hat SEO and how black hat gets quick results but gets flagged and removed

Original Content Created by Amanda Hankey
InSite Digital Solutions


Itinfo Club said…
Online media is a term that is being utilized by everybody. These days at whatever point we talk about Social Media, the main that clicks our brain is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and significantly more. The greater part of the organizations actually haven't found the massive capability of web-based media. When you track down the right stage for your business type and choose the in vogue promoting procedure, nobody can prevent you from getting seen by a great many clients from the sides of the world.
Internet Marketing Services in Dwarka
Website Designing Company in Dwarka

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